Tuesday, April 12, 2022

War is not that great at all

People often imagine the environment as a colosseum. The environment chooses those who suit them, not the strong. It is the weak (the simple-minded) who suit their environment (and become part of the war machine).

War is not that great at all.

In order to adapt to the various war machines and try to be part of them, people are losing the ability to remain independent (especially to think independently) and their talents are diminishing generation after generation. War does not make us better.

People are divided into different prisons of the mind.

Not only are they used to these walls, but they are born into them. They feel secure as a brick in the wall, and they even enjoy it so much that they are willing to sacrifice everything for words like "glory" (or ironically, "freedom").

Modern finance is based on credit (trust in one's own system or government), so these wars of ideas are extremely important.

Money can generate money and it is not necessarily the elite.   The one who born with power is not the smartest either. 

The 1% is not necessarily capable of conspiracy, but it is easy to reach a tacit agreement.

10% often mistake themselves as 1%.

Be aware of the various slogans, including "freedom first" "my country first" "me first" "xxx(whatever it is ) first", “they evil, we justice”, "weeds rock the world" "we deserve it, let it end".

Why do we have to follow any of them or any other supposed prophecy?

If people keep ignoring their inner loss of themselves and unconsciously clinging to various images (e.g. the body) or concepts (e.g. the Holy Name), World War III and the end of the world is inevitable, and it may have already begun in Europe.

Water does not know that she is water, and darkness does not know that he is darkness. When a man is seeking the light, he is blinded by dreams of various lights.

Most serious or intense busy people are dreaming, while the awakened are at peace because they are comfortable with the darkness that does not know the ultimate truth.

All we need to do is to have faith in ourselves (our unknown true self), whatever it is, it is always there. (If there is an "author", some kind of ultimate power, it must always be there for us too).

Yet within every yang is always a yin, and every belief/hope is based on doubt/fear.

If you are already 100% sure of something, there is no need of a belief.

So the real ultimate war between light and darkness is within us, not outside.(If there is an everlasting war between light and darkness, it has nothing to do with races, nations, religions. It is a war between faith and fear, or hope and fear / faith and doubt.)

Mind yourself first. Loose both inside and outside light and dark. 

Let it (mirror/darkness/inside) be. Let it (image/lights/outside) come and go. 

Talk, even argue, don’t curse ,fight, even war.

(If necessary, for some kind of emergency, we can bet on a sports match. Every life is unique, not just a statistic.)

The opposition of what can sense and what is sensed, the opposition of mirror image, the opposition of I and non-I, is called objectified thinking,which is growing up with self-knowledge,

  both of which end up trapping us into a dilemma. Either be a miserable sensitive person or a happy ignorant beast. This is why drugs are everywhere(including digital ones and “spiritual” ones) .

Every pair of eyes is different, and we see ourselves differently from how others see us. This is why we feel alone.

The reflection of light takes time.

So we can never see us in the mirror as we are now, all we see is history. You have changed.

If the change is so rapid and you are so sensitive that you suddenly find a face in the mirror that seems to be a stranger whose facial expression does not match your current emotions, you too may go crazy.

Somehow we all lose ourselves.

Clinging to any attachment (including concepts) such as the body, mind, thoughtless states, spiritual experiences, the Tao, God, Śūnyatā, etc., ........ that can never satisfy our desire to find the true Self or the real us. For they are all like images in a mirror, television set or other stage or platform. What we really desire is the 'mirror' and not 'any image', so how can we be satisfied?

You don't have to do anything but realise that the real you or the true self is there all the time.

It's like you're looking for a horse on the back of a horse. Once you realise that you have been riding it from the beginning (or before the beginning) you will immediately stop looking.


Most people look forward to world world war 3 unconsciously.

This is because they have been educated in a different (but practically identical) system of war preparation, where fighting for resources is unquestionable.

For example, hardly anyone questions the logic in "The Avengers' Infinite War" or "The Three Bodies", even though they have been taught the law of conservation of energy separately in school.

War is not that great at all.

In order to adapt to the various war machines and try to be part of them, people are losing the ability to remain independent (especially to think independently) and their talents are diminishing generation after generation. War does not make us better.

People often imagine the environment as a colosseum. The environment chooses those who suit them, not the strong. It is the weak (the simple-minded) who suit their environment (and become part of the war machine).

One would think they could use a war to settle the ultimate choice between faiths. (At first it seemed like other issues, such as "who deserve all sorts of resources")

If the law of conservation of energy is correct.

No energy gets consumed, it just keeps shifting or transferring between different forms.

So, much science fiction is wrong.

The speed (kinetic energy) of anything (such as a spacecraft) cannot be escalated infinitely.

That's why the speed of light seems to be the same for all.

In a way, we can say that life is also a form of energy.

Therefore, there is a limit to the number of any species.

There is no need for any war to reduce the population for fearing that there will not be enough energy to consume.

The Western push for individuality was an illusion and the reality was that the family could not be regulated into a screw or a brick to the detriment of industrialisation.

In the film Shawshank, there is a word called "institutionalisation".

People are divided into different prisons of the mind.

Not only are they used to the wall, but they have become a brick in it, they even like it so much that they are willing to sacrifice everything for a word like "glory" (or ironically, "freedom").

We, Homo sapiens, have used ideas/concepts to organise various war machines and exterminate many species. Maybe we deserve to use it killing each other. (Cf. Homo sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind).

But it is a shame to leave a marvellous universe without anyone to appreciate it. (Allow me to assume that aliens would make the same mistake as we do).

If people keep ignoring their inner loss of themselves and unconsciously clinging to various images (e.g. the body) or concepts (e.g. the Holy Name), World War III and the end of the world is inevitable, and it may have already begun in Europe in the conflict near the borders of Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

Any world will eventually be ended. This does not matter. For, life is an energy which will be recycled, which means that after the death of a life or an entire world there will be a new world.

But it is a shame that a beautiful world like Earth is being ended in a war of names/concepts. What can we do to prepare for it? We should do our best to stop it.

Be aware of all kinds of slogans.

If we are facing the end of the world.

Then it is not a catastrophe from outside, but from the "trap of self-knowledge" and the "trap of modernisation"/"trap of standardisation of extreme development (war machine)".

The trap of self-consciousness is, simply put, that having an "I" obscures the true self (losing oneself) and that one inevitably becomes anxious, nervous and distressed to the point of insanity, often resorting to conceptualised nomenclature.

The so-called "modernisation trap" is that the war machine, which has existed since ancient times, has been given an extreme boost by the application of mathematics in the standardisation of parts and components, and that the so-called nomenclature wars or battles have become increasingly intense and have approached the "singularity" due to the propaganda and ideological struggles of the respective unifying ideas.

Modern finance is based on credit (trust in one's own system or government), so these wars of ideas are extremely important.

Money can generate money and it is not necessarily the elite.   The one who born with power is not the smartest either. 

The 1% is not necessarily capable of conspiracy, but it is easy to reach a tacit agreement.

10% often mistake themselves as 1%.

Be aware of the various slogans, including "freedom first" "my country first" "me first" "xxx(whatever it is ) first" "weeds rock the world" "we deserve it, let it end".

Why do we have to follow any of them or any other supposed prophecy?

Sorry for disturbing. (Neither side is free, they both blocked my statement.

(We are just bricks on different walls, when in fact the walls are the same).

Eve did not lie, there was a serpent, which is an allegory that talks about a sense of continuity such as time or memory. Without such feelings, there are no conditions for the formation of self-awareness or self-knowledge.

Humans are the most complex animals on the planet. If your body is too simple to perceive your environment clearly, you will find it difficult to perceive the movement and change of everything in front of you.

Without sensing moving or changing images, it is difficult to form the concept or idea of a mirror/screen/stage/platform (self-awareness or self-knowledge), which is often referred to as the ego.

The opposition of what can be and what is, the opposition of mirror image, the opposition of I and non-I, is called objectified thinking,which is growing up with self-knowledge,

  both of which end up trapping us into a dilemma. Either be a miserable sensitive person or a happy ignorant beast. This is why drugs are everywhere(including digital ones and “spiritual” ones) .

The reflection of light takes time.

So we can never see us in the mirror as we are now, all we see is history. You have changed.

If the change is so rapid and you are so sensitive that you suddenly find a face in the mirror that seems to be a stranger whose facial expression does not match your current emotions, you too may go crazy.

Somehow we all lose ourselves.

Clinging to any attachment (including concepts) such as the body, mind, thoughtless states, spiritual experiences, the Tao, God, Śūnyatā, etc., ........ that can never satisfy our desire to find the true Self or the real us. For they are all like images in a mirror, television set or other stage or platform. What we really desire is the 'mirror' and not 'any image', so how can we be satisfied?

You don't have to do anything but realise that the real you or the true self is there all the time.

It's like you're looking for a horse on the back of a horse. Once you realise that you have been riding it from the beginning (or before the beginning) you will immediately stop looking.

Yet within every yang is always a yin, and every belief/hope is based on doubt/fear.

If you are already 100% sure of something, there is no need of a belief.

So the real ultimate war between light and darkness is within us, not outside.

The creator (author) could be a monkey who is typing at random. We just happen to be living in a readable novel in which logic seems to be at work, but not really, and it is the monkey who creates all the illusions that is really at work.

It doesn't matter who the author is. (It is the eternal ultimate question and secret, hidden not only behind all that we sense, but also by all the concepts we imagine, including the Tao, God and emptiness.

One might think that the creator (the author) is so important that all meaning depends on him. But is the meaning of an author complete if he has no readers, especially the author of a detective novel? You might even ask: does he really have any meaning, no matter how big he is, how long he lives, or how great he is in any way?

I asked my son the other day, when he was a little boy, "Is the sky blue?" ." No, at night it's black." He's clever." If there was a superman whose eyes could and always did see infrared or ultraviolet light, would the sky be blue or black for him?" Without the eyes of life, colour means nothing to the sky.

Why should we doubt the meaning of life, why should we not doubt the meaning of the universe, or even the meaning of the creator. No matter how small we may be, no matter how short our lives may be.

Lao Tzu: The sky/heaven and the earth (representing the Mother who created all things) are without mercy.

In order to fulfill the author's meaning, the reader must be ignorant.

A truth-teller (the fortune-teller who is always right) would be a spoiler who ruin everything.

Ignorance of our true nature is the source of our stress, anxiety, misery and suffering. Is it worth it? Depends on how much beauty, joy, love you can find in your life (sometimes just a simple blue sky can move you). If very little, you may deeply question why you were created.

Water does not know that she is water, and darkness does not know that he is darkness. When a man is seeking the light, he is blinded by dreams of various lights.

Most serious or intense busy people are dreaming, while the awakened are at peace because they are comfortable with the darkness that does not know the ultimate truth.

What we need to do is to have faith in ourselves (our unknown true selves), whatever it is, it is always there.

However, within every yang is always a yin, and every belief/hope is based on doubt/fear.

If you are already 100% sure of something, there is no need to believe.

So the real ultimate war between light and darkness is within us, not outside.

See you. When there is no war in the news, I stop.


What was Adam's original sin?

It is good to see some of you using the Bible as a kind of allegory. However, I don't think this sin is about honesty or lies.

Self-consciousness, self-knowledge, is itself the source of sin, which is why it is called original sin.

Eve did not lie, there was a serpent, which is an allegory that talks about a sense of continuity such as time or memory. Without such feelings, there are no conditions for the formation of self-awareness or self-knowledge.

Humans are the most complex animals on the planet. If your body is too simple to perceive your environment clearly, you will find it difficult to perceive the movement and change of everything in front of you.

Without sensing moving or changing images, it is difficult to form the concept or idea of a mirror/screen/stage/platform (self-awareness or self-knowledge), which is often referred to as the ego.

I hope I have made this clear enough for you to understand.

If not, please refer to my other answers.

By the way, there is no need to confess to anyone other than yourself. If you can't forgive yourself, how can you forgive others.

And that despite everyone who is self-conscious or self-aware is selfish and has sinned, without us, there is no meaning of God, or at least any meaning of God must be done by us.

Please refer to my other reply. Min John Zhou's answer to "Why we were created (a Buddhist perspective)".

Why were we created (the Buddhist view)?

I don't think a Buddhist would think he was created. (I am not a Buddhist, by the way).

He might think he is a castle built on Lego bricks, or some forest based on woods.

And he may refer to the Lego factory or the seeds of the woods as a kind of emptiness or nothingness.

If so, this means that they (the Buddhists) are assuming a closed room, a hermetically sealed space. All detectives should be looking for the murderer within its confines.

By the way, some scientists (if not all) are doing the same thing. Otherwise, all their logic could be an ineffective effort at any time, because it could be undermined by some external factor anywhere.

People love Sherlock Holmes and admire his ability to be logical.

And we are justified in not liking chaos. Without a stable environment, such as a sealed room, which serves as a better weapon than our arms and hands, our logic seems weak. It is like a small boat in a rough sea. Although this boat is so stable, as in the logic that 1+1 always = 2, how can we expect it to be able to handle the chaos of the ocean?

But there is always a different voice.

Ludwig Wittgenstein: It is superstition to believe in causality.

(It is possible that 1=1 is an illusion and that 1+1 leads to 2 is also an illusion that we believe in as fact or truth, just as we do with other superstitions.)

To me, this means that the creator (author) could be a randomly typing monkey. We just happen to live in a readable novel in which logic seems to be at work but not really, and it is the monkey who creates all the illusions that is really at work. There are other unreadable books, possibly infinite, including some novels in which there is a different logic to ours, which must be absurd to us. If we happen to get into them, we might deny all the strange things we encounter in order to defend our own logic.

It doesn't matter who the author is. (It is the eternal ultimate puzzle and secret, hidden not only behind everything we sense, but also by all the concepts we imagine, including "Tao", God, nothingness.) Let it be. Whether it is a monkey, some kind of chaos, nothingness, or something more ridiculous, anyone is the same to us.

One might think that the creator (the author) is so important that all meaning depends on him. But is the meaning of an author complete if he has no readers, especially the author of a detective novel? You might even ask: does he really have any meaning, no matter how big he is, how long he lives, or how great he is in any way?

I asked my son the other day, when he was a little boy, "Is the sky blue?" .

"No, at night it is black". He was clever.

"If there was a superman whose eyes could and always did see infrared or ultraviolet light, would the sky be blue or black to him?"

Without the eyes of life, colour means nothing to the sky.

Why should we doubt the meaning of life, why should we not doubt the meaning of the universe, or even the meaning of the creator.

No matter how small we may be, no matter how short our lives may be.

Lao Tzu: Heaven/Heaven and Earth (representing the Mother Nature that created all things) have no mercy.

In order to fulfill the author's meaning, the reader must be ignorant.

A truth-teller (the fortune-teller who is always right) would be a spoiler who ruin everything.

Ignorance of our true nature is the source of our stress, anxiety, suffering and pain.

(Refer to my other answer Min John Zhou's answer to What is causing Dhukka?)

Is it worth it? Depends on how much beauty, joy, love you can find in your life (sometimes just a simple blue sky can move you).

If very little, you may wonder deeply why you were created.


What led to Dhukka?

As far as I know, many Buddhists (I am not a Buddhist, by the way.) believe that what causes Dukkha (pain, suffering, stress, anxiety ......)   is our desire to cling to various attachments.

This seems better than blaming the world or life.

As Lao Tzu once said, our real enemy is ourselves.

We should not blame what we are attached or attached to; we should scrutinise the suspects who may be committing such attachments , namely ourselves.

But as Mao Tse-tung once said, there must be some reason behind all hatred or love. Is it possible that we are blaming ourselves too much?

Although according to Ludwig Wittgenstein it's superstition to believe in causality.

But if you have this belief that there must be a reason behind everything.

Then why do we have this obsessive desire to do so.

There is a parable in the Bible.

A madman passed a mirror as he walked.

For some reason he thought that the image in the mirror was of another person.

He admired the person's beautiful face and head very much.

Suddenly he panics, for if this head belongs to another person, where is his own head?

Where was his own head? Why could he not see his own head?

So, from then on, this madman ran around looking for his own head, but he could not find it.

Is this just a crazy person without a reason?

Is it absolutely ourselves that we see in the mirror?

You know it takes time for light to reflect.

That's why we can never see us in the mirror as we are now; all we see is history.

You have changed. If changes are so fast and you are so sensitive.

You suddenly realise that the face in the mirror seems to be that of a stranger whose facial expression doesn't match your current mood, and you too may go crazy.

Somehow (probably because of the self-knowledge), we all lose ourselves.

Clinging to any obsessions such as the body, mind, thoughtless states, spiritual experiences, the Tao, God, Śūnyatā and other concepts, ........

can never satisfy our desire to find our true self or the real us.

For they are all like images in a mirror, television set or other stage or platform. How can we be satisfied when what we really desire is 'the mirror' and not 'any image'?

This dissatisfaction leads us to try even harder to cling or attach.

And this dissatisfaction or this desire itself implies anxiety or stress and can be called 'Dukkha'.

"Images" are constantly changing and the fact that we have gained them at one time means that we can lose them at any time.

We can never see the 'mirror or the stage' or feel it in some way so that we can be sure we have found it. (It is always the one ultimate secret hidden behind all that we feel and all the concepts we imagine).

Let us suppose that the madman in the parable had no hands and that he could never touch his head to be sure that it was there all along.

If that were the case, how could he stop his madness?

Śūraṅgama Sūtra tells us that once we can stop this madness, we will get the peace we want, which is called Bodhi.

It seems easy because you don't have to do anything, just realise that the real you or the true self is there all the time.

It is like when you are looking for a horse on horseback. Once you realise that you have been riding it from the beginning (or before the beginning), you will immediately stop looking.

(According to Da Jian Huineng, this sudden realisation is the ultimate path and the only path to awakening or enlightenment or eventual liberation called Nirvana.)

But if this enlightenment was really that easy, you would all know it already, so why should I bother typing so much.

All we need to do is to have faith in ourselves (our unknown true self), whatever it is, it is always there.

However, within every yang is always a yin, and every belief/hope is based on doubt/fear.

If you are already 100% sure of something, there is no need to believe.

So the real ultimate war between light and darkness is within us, not outside.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Be aware to all kinds of slogans

 If we are facing an ending of the world.

Then it is not a catastrophe from outside, but from the "self-consciousness trap" and the "modernisation trap" / "standardisation (war machine) trap of extreme development".

The self-consciousness trap, in simple terms, means that having an "I" would hide the true self (lost oneself), one is inevitably anxious, stressed, and distressed to the point of insanity, often resorting to conceptual nomenclature.

The so-called "modernisation trap" is that due to the application of mathematics in the standardisation of parts, the war machine, which has existed since ancient times, has been given a extreme boost, and due to the propaganda and ideological warfare of the respective unified ideas, the so-called nomenclature dispute or war has become more and more intense and is nearing the "singularity".

Modern finance is based on credit  (trust in their own system or government), so these wars of ideas are extremely important.

Money can generate money, and it doesn't have to be the elite. The ones born with power don't have to be the human elite either.

The 1% may not necessarily be capable of conspiracy, but it is easy to reach a tacit agreement.

Be aware to all kinds of slogans, including “freedom first" "my country first" "me first" "xxx (whatever) first" "weeds rock the world" "we deserve it, let it end".

Why must we follow any of them or any other so-called prophecy?

Sorry for disturbing.  (There are no freedom at both sides, they all block my speaking.

We're just bricks at different walls, actually the walls are the same.)

 the reflection of light need time.

So we can never see the present us in a mirror, all we see is the history.

You've changed. If the changing is so quick and you're so sensitive,

you suddenly find the the face in mirror seems a stranger whose facial expression doesn't fit your current emotion, you may also go crazy.

In one way, we all lose ourselves.

Clinging to any attachments, e.g. body, thoughts, state of no thoughts, spiritual experiences, concepts such as Tao, God, Śūnyatā, ........

can never satisfy our desire of finding the true self or the real us.

Because they are all like images in a mirror, or TV set, or other stage or platform. What we really desire is "the mirror", not "any images", so how can we be satisfied?

you don't need to do any anything, just realizing the real you or the true self is always there.

It is like you're searching for a horse on a horseback. Once you realize you are riding it from the beginning (or before the beginning), you will stop the searching immediately.

Water doesn't know she is water, Darkness doesn't know he is darkness.

When someone is seeking brightness, he or she would be blinded by all kinds of dreams of lights.

Most of people who is serious or nervous and busy are  dreaming, the awaken ones are in peace because they are comfortable with the darkness of not knowing the ultimate truth.

All we need to do is having a faith in ourselves (the unknown true oneself), no matter what it is, it is always there.

However inside of each yang there always is yin,   every faith/hope is based on doubt/fear. 

If you've already 100% certain about something, there is no need of a belief.

So, the real ultimate war  between light and darkness is inside of us, not outside.

Sorry for disturbing.  

(There are no freedom at both sides, they all block my speaking.

We're just bricks at different walls, actually the walls are the same.)

 the creator (the author) could be a monkey who is typing randomly. We just happen to be living in a readable novel where logic appears working but not really, the actually working one is the monkey who creates all the illusion. 

Anyway it doesn't matter who is the author. (This is a everlasting ultimate question and secret not only hidden behind all the things we are sensing but also concealed by all the concepts we're imagining including Tao, God, emptiness。)Let it be, a monkey,some kind of chaos, nothingness, or some even more ridiculous thing, anyone is the same to us.(Unless we have to find and pay him for the copyright.)

People may think the creator (the author) is so important, that all the meanings depend on him. But if an author has no reader, especial a writer of detective novel, is his meaning complete? You can even ask: is there really any meaning for him, no matter how huge or how long living or how great in any way he is?

One day I asked my son who was a little boy, "Is the sky blue?".

"No, at night it is black." He is smart.

"If there is a superman whose eyes are able to and always see the infrared ray or ultraviolet light,to him is the sky blue or black?"

Without the eyes of a life, colors means nothing to the sky.

Why we're wondering the meaning of life, why we don't suspect the meaning of universe, and even the meaning of creator.

No matter how small we are, no matter how brief our lives are.

Laozi: sky/heaven and earth ( which represent the mother nature who create everything) has no mercy.

In order to complete the meaning of the author, the readers have to be ignorant.

A truth teller (an always right fortune teller) would be a spoiler who ruin everything.

The ignorance of the true nature of ourselves are the source of our stress, anxieties, sufferings, pains.


Is it worthy? depend on how much beauty, joy, love (Sometimes just a simple blue sky can move you) you can find in your life.

If very little, you may deeply wonder why were you created.

Sorry for disturbing. Bye. 

(There are no freedom at both sides, they all block my speaking.

We're just bricks at different walls, actually the walls are the same.)

See you. I would stop when there is no war on news.

There is a fable in Śūraṅgama Sūtra.

A crazy man was walking and passing by a mirror.

For some reason he thought the image in the mirror is another man.

He was so admiring that man's pretty face and head.

And suddenly he panicked, because if that head belongs to other man,

where is his own head? Why he can't see his own head?

So from then on this crazy man run all over the places looking for his own head but how can he find it.

Is this just a mad person who have no reason?

Is what we see in the mirror definitely ourselves?

You know the reflection of light need time.

So we can never see the present us in a mirror, all we see is the history.

You've changed. If the changing is so quick and you're so sensitive,

you suddenly find the the face in mirror seems a stranger whose facial expression doesn't fit your current emotion, you may also go crazy.

In one way, we all lose ourselves.

Clinging to any attachments, e.g. body, thoughts, state of no thoughts, spiritual experiences, concepts such as Tao, God, Śūnyatā, ........

can never satisfy our desire of finding the true self or the real us.

Because they are all like images in a mirror, or TV set, or other stage or platform. What we really desire is "the mirror", not "any images", so how can we be satisfied?

This unsatisfactoriness cause more effort to cling or attach.

and this unsatisfactoriness or this desire himself means anxiety or stress which could be called "Dukkha".

The "images" are changing, and the fact we've gained them sometime means we can lose them anytime.

We can never see"the mirror or stage", or sense it in some way so that we can be sure that we've found it. (It is always a ultimate secret hidden behind all the things we sense and all the concepts we're imagining)

Let's assume that madman in that fable has no hands, he can never touch his head to be sure that his head is always there.

If so how can he stop his madness?

Śūraṅgama Sūtra tell us once we can stop this madness, we will get the desired peace, which is called Bodhi.

It seems easy because you don't need to do any anything, just realizing the real you or the true self is always there.

It is like you're searching for a horse on a horseback. Once you realize you are riding it from the beginning (or before the beginning), you will stop the searching immediately.

(According to Dajian Huineng, this kind of sudden realizing is the final way and only way to awakening or enlightenment or ultimate liberation nirvana)

But If this kind of realizing is really so easy, all of you would've already known it, why I need make the effort to type so much words.

All we need to do is having a faith in ourselves (the unknown true oneself), no matter what it is, it is always there.

However inside of each yang there always is yin,   every faith/hope is based on doubt/fear. 

If you've already 100% certain about something, there is no need of a belief.

So, the real ultimate war  between light and darkness is inside of us, not outside.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

You're the truth (your true nature is the ultimate


If you've watched the movie <The Matrix> or <Inception>, it maybe easy for you to accept that it is possible that we're living in some kind of dream, and what we're seeing could never be the truth.

(What is behind the Matrix in the movie 'the matrix"? Is all of it merely a part of some bigger dream in the movie "Inception"? This kind of question can never have a final answer.)

Maybe we have to face a truth: "The truth is an eternal secret hidden behind everything we are sensing."

But we should know all the images or other phenomena have never left the "mirror" "TV screen" "stage"……,although we can never see “the stage”(just like we can never see our eyes directly) and we can never be absolutely sure to call it God or Tao.

There is a saying in China, "we don't know there is Tao, just like a fish doesn't know there is water."

Why a fish doesn't know there is water, because it has never left water.

Do you know what else you can never leave? YOURSELF.

One can never escape from oneself, although sometimes people eager this peace.

But in my opinion, what really causes anxiety is that we can not see or find the true nature of ourselves.

Why we hate ourselves? Because we feel they are not the true us, the real us.

The real me is not the body, nor some thoughts, nor the state of no thoughts, nor some special mysterious spiritual experiences.

Thus, you are the truth. Or, the real you and the final truth are the same ultimate secret hidden forever by all the things we're sensing or experiencing.

Noone can reach the ultimate , Including me. (what you can do is to have a faith that your true nature is the ultimate) Don't be cheated by what you see, no matter how glorious
No matter how we try, plot of shows are never to be how tv works.

People are blinded by what they are seeing.

Water don't know they are water. Energe don't know they are energe. Force don't know they are force. Darkness don't know they are darkness, blinded by the light. The heaven up there is just a wallpaper. We are the real heaven, the true one, everything is inside of us, not outside. Wind cannot blow light. Light cannot kill all darkness. (First darkness, then light. Light is always inside of darkness.) I don't have much to say. But i have lot of patience. This kind slow crazyness can only be slowed (you can only weak the dark energe, you can never kill it). Behind knowing there always is unknowing. Behind light, there always is the darkness. You need it to stand on.Surrender. Give up. Let it be. This repeating,recycling of dark energe will never be stopped. All lies will be ended. no matter how many times they repeat them. wait patiently for the next one.

I'm a real person. 旻天宫, Up live app: min john zhou

support rock music, rock concert, let's rock them.
support all kinds of music, with music, this universal language , there always is hope for a peace of all worlds.

I'm going to open another window. you can delete my footprint, but you can never stop me from walking.

I will do it slowly, I will do it quietly, I will do it until falling asleep or death.
Then, who knows, maybe I will do it again. Behind knowing there always is unknowing. Behind light, there always is the darkness. This repeating,recycling of dark energe will never be stopped.

God is unknown by anyone. We know nothing about God. Just a lot of wishes and praying.

Go check: Jordan Maxwell. Study with him, don't believe it.

Be careful of meditation, it could be a trap for your spirit or soul. Relax in your sleeping is the best meditation.You need a good conscience for that, they can only influence or control your subconscious.

Go check: soaring crane qigong. Learn it, don't believe it.

Regarding principal, I have only one:

Noone knows the ultimate truth and ultimate law, including myself.

Thus, noone have the full right to give orders to others, including myself.

People are easily blinded by what they are seeing, and people are easily cheated by the power or force showed in these scenes.

I have faith in my true self. Although This real self is unseen by anyone Including me. And noone is able to see it Including myself. But I still believe in This true/real me. It is a kind of one-man religion. no leader nor follower.

The story of Jesus could be a lie to tempt people like Gandi to sacrifice themselves. No need to worry about God or Tao or the real/true youself. I don't think they need anything from us. Fix yourself, heal yourself, (tame your body), if you want to fix the world, heal the world.

Don't fear about the dark unknowing. Have a true faith in them. Relax, give up, let it be, surrender to the dark energe which is your true nature. No metaphor is perfect. but light is not a better one.

I know it's hard for you to accept darkness as a metaphor for the unknown true self. Be careful to anything you take as a proof for your faith, Including lights or other bright phenomenon. Remember: true faith don't need anything as a proof or support Including darkness. I used This word just as a metaphor. No metaphor is perfect. but light is not a better one.

Be patient. Keep safe. Take care. See you accidently.

To people who can't stand conspiracy: let me feed you more. It could be a world of games played by madmen competing each other to see who has stronger faith in himself or herself. Why are you unable to accept it as a joke?


Be patient. Keep safe. Take care. See you in this life or next.

Is there a universally accepted symbol for karma?

In china, when people are talking about Karma, usually what they place emphasis on is a reward or a punishment.

It seems that the aim is always more important than the straight arrow.

If there is an universally accepted symbol or sign for karma, it would mean that we can assure ourselves that there would certainly be a reward for our good deeds, or punishment for our bad deeds.

Although I'm wondering how can the universe judge which deed is good or bad, and how good or how bad.

Let's assume it is possible, then it is reasonable to think that we would have a new and perfect world where there is nearly no need of any police.

In reality, since obviously the police are busy all over the world, it is also reasonable to think there is certainly no an obvious symbol or sign for karma.

If there is a little bit, it must be too subtle, or only be known by few people, otherwise it would be universally accepted.

Actually the above mentioned assumption is a shallow thought.

Could a sign or symbol like that really bring us a paradise?

If a person does good deeds only for a reward, or if there is no punishment he will certainly do bad ones, is he really a good person?

And if he is a really bad one, do you really believe that he would give up bad deeds because of a fear of punishment?

When you treat a person by the same ways as treating a thief, such as by labeling him with a concept such as original sin, he would act as a thief since he become more and more believing that thief is his true nature.

In the novel Les Misérables, Valjean didn't get punishment for that theft of silverware, it has changed him. Maybe that was the first time that he's not treated as a thief.

If we can unbind ourselves from all the labels, concepts, images, phenomena, ... including good, bad, ugly, pretty, winner, loser, ..... liberate from all kinds of id including body and thoughts and spiritual experiences, we may find that our true nature is beyond all of those stuff and always there.

Thus you don't care about whether there is karma and reward or punishment any more.

Although from my view, there is one response for each of us in each moment of our lives,no need to wait for the after life or next life.

When you do good deeds, the beautiful picture you are seeing, such as a smile of your loved ones, is the reward.

When you do bad ones, the scene before you which make you frown or disgust in your deeper mind, is the punishment.

Is there very sick person who can suppress the disgust very deeply and make themselves believe they're enjoying it?

I don't know. Maybe they are in novel only.

Since I am definitely not this kind of person so I doubt there is one like that within the others.

If you have other thoughts, may I introduce you a Chinese poem, "thousands rivers show thousands moons in their water," but there is only one moon, the moon.

It means all of us could be played by the same actor, the only one, and when you're hurting others you're hurting another you and hurting yourself.

Since it always takes certain time for doing, acting, including seeing, listening,

what you sense is not the present but a history,

there is no such thing as "at the same time" or "at the same place".

So when you're hurting yourself, actually you're hurting another you at the different time.

Since everything including youself and earth are in constant motions,

this you at a different time is also an another you at the different place.

So, why don't you help others who could be or should be another you or yourself.


Monday, August 5, 2019

Śūraṅgama Sūtra

What is the message in Surangama sutra?
 I don't know what the message the writer want to send. But I know what kind of message I've gotten from it.
The full name of the Śūraṅgama Sūtra includes a word 密因,which someone translate it into "Hidden Basis" or "Secret Cause".
Which thing is hidden? What is the ultimate secret?
If you've watched the movie "Matrix", you maybe understand the hypothesis of "Brain in a vat",
which tell us there could be a hidden secret truth behind everything we sense.
Let me quote some "key principle" from Wikipedia as follow.
Pratītyasamutpāda (Sanskrit: प्रतीत्यसमुत्पाद pratītyasamutpāda; Pali: पटिच्चसमुप्पाद paṭiccasamuppāda), commonly translated as dependent origination, or dependent arising, is a key principle in Buddhist teachings, which states that all dharmas ("phenomena") arise in dependence upon other dharmas: "if this exists, that exists; if this ceases to exist, that also ceases to exist".
The Śūraṅgama Sūtra tells me this "principle" is wrong.
If you think that that thing is depended on this thing, or the other way, this thing is depend on that thing.If you persist that something is depend on the other things. Forest is based on woods, castles is based on bricks. You are wrong.
According to the Śūraṅgama Sūtra, all your problems and anxieties and sufferings is because you are too much clinging to the sensed "woods" or "bricks".
You are too much believing that with all "the small Lego toy pieces" you have you can build everything, you forget the real basis, the hidden basis, the secret basis or cause," the toy factory". (Everything depends on it, not each other.)
And according to the Śūraṅgama Sūtra, what is this toy factory, is it God? is it Śūnyatāis it some basic particle, some basic energy, or other objective basis? the answers to all these questions we can never know. It is the ultimate secret, and everlasting secret.
Anyone who thinks himself figure it out, especially because he experience some special or unique, is enchanted and deluded by images (phenomena), and forget or don't realize the "mirror" or "screen" "TV set" "stage", THE UNKNOWN ULTIMATE SECRET SOURCE,
which is always unknown. No matter how much you know from some kind of spiritual experience or other mysterious experience, there is still THE UNKNOWN.
The Śūraṅgama Sūtra list the special experiences people gotten from meditation as fifty 魔, someone translate it into demon. I prefer to translate it as obstacle such as blinders.
Don't cheated by what you see, what you feel, what you sense, what you experience. They can never be the ultimate truth or the ultimate true nature of yourself. Thus no one knows the final answer. It is always hidden by what you see, including blackness or emptiness, or nothingness (like space). These are all blinders. We'd better admit that we don't know it, don't pretend to a saint which actually could be called a demon instead.

Monday, April 6, 2009

an Ancient Chinese Arch Bridge

About 1500 years ago, a buddhist monk in china write a chant.

' Hoeing with bare hands;
walking while sitting on a horse;
crossing a wide river over an arch bridge;
it is the bridge which is flowing, not the water.'

Although people are confused by the contradictions at the beginning,
a few of them realize something sooner or later.

You can understand it in this way:
Our hand is a kind of tool, just like the hoe, also our body.
The real us is not our bodies, but the one who is riding our bodies.
Our body is changing from young to mature, from prime to old and weak,
just like an ancient chinese arch bridge, which going up first, then going down from the top.
Can you realize this changing physical body is not real you? (Neither your spirit nor your ghost, if you think they are also with some figure like they show in the movies.)
The real you is far wider.

Actually, more exactly, any flesh or other form of body is so small part of your life, that you can even ignore it.